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Professor Shih Tai-Ming personally guides top executives step by step on the path to becoming multi-million-dollar winners.


9 / 4 / 2024
total swiss korea ners.

On the second day of the Millionaire Winner Program, renowned Chinese direct-selling authority, Professor Shih Tai-Ming, continued to guide over 240 senior leaders of Total Swiss on their journey to becoming millionaire winners. He prepared an extensive and effective content on fast and steady business multiplication. From 9:30 AM to 6:10 PM, Professor Shih used numerous common, overlooked, or unique key points, organizing them into four major areas: building consumer and organizational networks, and cultivating relationship strength and performance power. His unique "Shih Style" captivated the audience, guiding them step by step.

Professor Shih’s distinctive skill lies in his ability to clarify and bring life to otherwise mundane or unclear points, delivering them with logical precision and engaging expression, striking a chord with every leader present.

Some of the often-discussed but frequently questioned or resisted phrases in direct selling became reasonable and full of energy under Professor Shih’s explanation, inspiring participants to take active steps toward success.

For example, when talking about dreams, a common theme in the direct-selling industry, the discussion often feels disjointed, illogical, and unconvincing. However, Professor Shih effortlessly explained why and how to talk about dreams in just a few simple words.

He said that the key to discussing dreams is to break a person’s current sense of satisfaction and make them realize the gap between their reality and their dreams. For instance, if someone has to carefully count every penny before buying a nice piece of clothing or hesitates when it comes to taking their children abroad, by highlighting this gap, you can inspire them to take action toward fulfilling their dreams.

However, with certain individuals like high-end professionals or business owners, discussing dreams might not be as effective. For these people, it's more suitable to talk about crises, rapid changes in the broader environment, and the variables of costs, profits, and risks, prompting them to change due to a sense of urgency.

In Day 2 of the program, Professor Shih also meticulously laid out business operation models for the leaders, whether it was explaining the construction of consumer and organizational networks or analyzing the cultivation of relationship strength and performance power. His detailed and practical explanations made it easier for the leaders to grasp the essentials of building a business that multiplies rapidly.

Thanks to this unique interpretation and hands-on guidance, every leader in the class was highly focused, eager to absorb every key point and every word spoken during the second day of the program.

With this level of concentration and learning, after two days, every leader left with significant gains and improved skills. Some leaders were already eager to take action, ready to embark on the path to becoming Total Swiss millionaire winners.

After Professor Shih concluded the two-day program, Dr. Wang took the stage to deliver a remarkable closing speech, raising the already high spirits of the attendees to the peak.

Here’s an excerpt from Dr. Wang’s closing remarks:

“We’ve learned many solutions to problems, especially within an MLM company. The hardest part to resolve is the myriad of relationships—above, below, left, right, front, and back. Over the past 15 years, I’ve often played the mediator role, sometimes as the good guy, sometimes as the bad guy, but still haven’t fully resolved the challenges.

Professor Shih has given us many solutions that have touched each of us deeply because everyone encounters various interpersonal issues. Even in families, there are relationship challenges, let alone in a team composed of people from diverse backgrounds. I believe all of you have faced difficulties in aligning with your partners because it's not easy to bring everyone together.

The ultimate goal in this business is to make money, improve our lives, and solve problems. Many things require money to resolve, so all of us spend our lives earning money. Sometimes, it feels like a tough grind, and the income doesn’t feel secure. For everyone, a stable income represents a guarantee that money will be deposited into your account every month. That’s why people dare to take out loans, send their children to study abroad, and feel confident that money will be available each month.

When I work with you in this business, I’m extremely careful and diligent, aiming to turn it into a reliable source of stable income for you. However, this requires all of us to work together. Most of you here are already Presidents or are on the path to becoming Presidents. If you rise only to fall again, it means nothing—you’re just taking next year’s income early.

I’ve always wanted you to have both a high and stable income, so I’ve put a lot of thought into designing the '1 Lead 5' model. Initially, I thought of offering small or large prizes, like an apple or an iPad, as rewards for leading five people. Then I came up with the idea of a million-dollar prize drawing. This 'Lead 5 to Win a Million' initiative offers a huge incentive every month. If you follow this model, it can lead you to a stable, high-income career, but it’s up to all of you to spread the word.

As Professor Shih mentioned in today’s class, you need a broad consumer base and a strong consumer network. Even though you are in the management team, solidifying the consumer network is just as important. If you promote the prize drawing, it will generate interest among the consumer network, and once people start using the products, they’ll stick with them. Our product loyalty is strong—after using it for six months, they’ll keep coming back, and your consumer network will only grow larger.

In the past, I’ve introduced the million-dollar prize drawing many times and shown how you can calculate the earnings from our income system. Let me explain it once more. Our system, combined with our products, is a perfect match.

If you achieve the 'Lead 5' model, where you and five direct B-line members complete the 6+1 Autoship, your income will multiply exponentially with each generation.

For the first generation, you can earn $1,138 each month for six months. In the second generation, your monthly income will rise to $8,288 for six months. Expanding to the third generation, your monthly earnings for six months will reach $55,900. When you extend it to the fourth generation, the monthly income for six months can reach $167,700. By growing to the fifth generation, your income for six months will be $815,181. Finally, if you reach the sixth generation, your monthly income for six months can soar to $3,481,238.

Moreover, if you use Professor Shih’s recommended 12+2 (500PV + 600PV) model, your income can multiply fivefold in the first month, reaching over 800,000 in the fourth generation, over 4 million in the fifth generation, and more than 17 million in the sixth generation.

The issue isn’t whether our system can make money; it’s how people are using it.

Our problem lies in the number of participants. Even though I’ve made great efforts to promote the million-dollar prize drawing, it hasn’t yet created the whirlwind I anticipated. Our company’s system is already highly attractive, so I added the 'Lead 5 to Win a Million' initiative to encourage you to bring more people into the business.

Total Swiss has a system that not only works but also allows you to earn significant income. The company is continually paving the way for everyone’s success.

We just concluded an exhibition in Nangang, which had a solid turnout. From November 22nd to 24th, we’ll head to Kaohsiung, where we’ve rented over 20 booths at the Kaohsiung Exhibition Center. Additionally, 30 pharmacies have opened and are now active. Once the pharmacists find their path, if each pharmacy brings in just five people a day, all the pharmacists will soon become Presidents.

We have the mechanism and resources to help you grow your business. You must make the most of the equipment and tools provided by the company. I hope you take this message back with you and turn every key point and every word that Professor Shih shared with you into lessons for your downline. Use these powerful resources to replicate and multiply your success."

Professor Shih Tai-Ming personally guides top executives step by step on the path to becoming multi-million-dollar winners.圖細胞營養之1

Professor Shih Tai-Ming personally guides top executives step by step on the path to becoming multi-million-dollar winners.圖細胞營養之2

Professor Shih Tai-Ming personally guides top executives step by step on the path to becoming multi-million-dollar winners.圖細胞營養之3

Professor Shih Tai-Ming personally guides top executives step by step on the path to becoming multi-million-dollar winners.圖細胞營養之4

Professor Shih Tai-Ming personally guides top executives step by step on the path to becoming multi-million-dollar winners.圖細胞營養之5

Professor Shih Tai-Ming personally guides top executives step by step on the path to becoming multi-million-dollar winners.圖細胞營養之6

Professor Shih Tai-Ming personally guides top executives step by step on the path to becoming multi-million-dollar winners.圖細胞營養之7

Professor Shih Tai-Ming personally guides top executives step by step on the path to becoming multi-million-dollar winners.圖細胞營養之8

Professor Shih Tai-Ming personally guides top executives step by step on the path to becoming multi-million-dollar winners.圖細胞營養之9

Professor Shih Tai-Ming personally guides top executives step by step on the path to becoming multi-million-dollar winners.圖細胞營養之10

Professor Shih Tai-Ming personally guides top executives step by step on the path to becoming multi-million-dollar winners.圖細胞營養之11

Professor Shih Tai-Ming personally guides top executives step by step on the path to becoming multi-million-dollar winners.圖細胞營養之12

Professor Shih Tai-Ming personally guides top executives step by step on the path to becoming multi-million-dollar winners.圖細胞營養之13

Professor Shih Tai-Ming personally guides top executives step by step on the path to becoming multi-million-dollar winners.圖細胞營養之14

Professor Shih Tai-Ming personally guides top executives step by step on the path to becoming multi-million-dollar winners.圖細胞營養之15


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