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The 3,651st health seminar was a true source of inspiration, as Dr. Wang thoughtfully explained the key foundational elements behind Total Swiss’ numb


9 / 2 / 2024
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On August 31, 2024, after the Million Dollar Raffle, Dr. Wang delivered an exceptionally enlightening health seminar. Whether attendees were health-conscious consumers or ambitious business partners, the content of this seminar proved to be immensely beneficial for all.

In simpler terms, Dr. Wang used easy-to-understand language to guide everyone through the complex foundations behind Total Swiss’ top product.

For example, when Dr. Wang shared how he overcame his thalassemia, he vividly explained why guarana, which is often overlooked by others, is actually a hidden gem in the Total Swiss product line.

Dr. Wang emphasized that nearly all of Total Swiss’ products were developed because he himself needed solutions. After personally using them and experiencing their benefits, he then promoted them to others.

Since these were products he consumed, they had to meet two critical criteria: first, they had to be highly effective, and second, they had to be extremely safe.

A Confused Doctor and Bloodletting

Dr. Wang inherited the gene for thalassemia from his family and was often sick as a child, a typical "sickly" patient.

When he was young, his mother took him to see a doctor. After the diagnosis, the misguided doctor said that Dr. Wang’s problem was too much blood and that letting out some blood would cure him.

However, shortly after the bloodletting, Dr. Wang turned pale and fainted on the spot.

It turned out that Dr. Wang’s issue wasn’t a lack of red blood cells, but rather a lack of iron. His red blood cells were unable to carry oxygen, leaving his body in a state of chronic oxygen deprivation.

It was like having many large trucks on the road, but with empty cargo beds. Similarly, the red blood cells in Dr. Wang’s veins were always running around aimlessly, unable to do their job.

To address this, his mother planted spinach and often cooked it for Dr. Wang to supplement his iron. However, spinach didn’t have the desired effect, and even after supplementing with iron pills, the only noticeable change was his blackened stool—an unsettling side effect of the iron supplements.

The truth is, the iron from spinach or supplements was in atomic form (Fe), which cannot help red blood cells carry oxygen. Iron needs to be in ionic form (Fe+) to bond with oxygen and deliver it to the cells.

Driven by his desire to solve his thalassemia problem, Dr. Wang sought a substance that, once inside the body, could immediately find iron, strip off its electrons, and convert it into iron ions capable of carrying oxygen. After many trials, he finally discovered guarana from South America.

A Treasure Others Disregard

Guarana is typically used as a stimulant, with its caffeine content being the primary focus. The higher the caffeine content, the better the quality and the higher the price. When guarana contains less caffeine, people often see it as inferior and leave it unharvested, letting the fruit fall to the ground. This less desirable guarana is mostly found in Ecuador.

However, what others saw as worthless, Dr. Wang recognized as a treasure for enhancing iron’s oxygen-carrying capacity. He signed a long-term contract with Ecuador’s agricultural department to purchase their guarana and incorporated it into the small red packets of the Fit Solution.

Dr. Wang has been using Fit Solution for nearly 30 years. Once a thalassemia patient who fainted with the slightest movement, he has now become a health icon in the eyes of others.

Dr. Wang stated, "The thalassemia gene cannot be changed, but with a solution that enhances the oxygen-carrying capacity of red blood cells, even though the gene remains, the body no longer suffers from oxygen deprivation."

Summary of Dr. Wang’s Health Seminar:

"I retired and entered this business at the age of 60. At first, I was a bit uncertain because I was unfamiliar with direct sales. It felt like a little rabbit running into the forest.

Why did I choose direct sales? Because I had tried many methods to promote good products, but I couldn’t get enough people to know about them. Even the best products won’t be shared endlessly because people won’t promote them if they don’t benefit from doing so. That’s why I chose the direct sales model, where the bonus distribution encourages sharing, allowing the profits and motivation to cascade down.

We know it’s hard for other products in the industry to catch up to ours because most companies promote their products with a business mindset. But I come from a product research background, so I focus more on product performance and safety, which gives us a lot of confidence in our offerings.

Since you joined, you’ve hardly gone a day without drinking (Fit Solution). Some of you have been drinking it for over 10 years, and some for 8 or 9 years. If you don’t drink it for even one day, you feel like something’s missing, like you’re incomplete. Why is that? Because it’s something I drink myself—something that helped me go from being sick to being healthy.

A Study That Won Two Nobel Prizes

I wasn’t healthy as a child, and my classmates all knew me as a sickly person. So when I grew up, my goal in life was to find a way to improve my health. During my time in Europe, I encountered and visited many brilliant people. Germany and Switzerland are at the forefront of biotechnology, and I was fortunate to meet experts who were willing to share their knowledge with me, including students of Linus Pauling.

Linus Pauling was one of only two people in history to win two Nobel Prizes. The first was for chemistry. His most important statement was, ‘Most of humanity’s diseases and pains are due to mineral deficiencies.’

Back then, vitamins were also considered minerals. His research led to advancements in European medicine and biotechnology, sparking a search for how to prevent illness. His contributions were so significant that when the time came to award the Nobel Peace Prize, the Swedish Academy of Sciences unanimously agreed to give it to him, recognizing his contributions to health, life, and peace. At that time, the Peace Prize was the highest honor in the Nobel lineup.

Inspired by Linus Pauling’s research, every year, when I print my notebooks, I include a periodic table of elements at the front, so you can identify what you’re missing and use the best solution to fix it."

Discovering the Perfect Partner for Iron

Knowing that I had thalassemia, I devoted extensive time to researching solutions.

As a child, doctors only had a vague understanding of my condition. One even said I had too much blood and suggested bloodletting, which resulted in me fainting. Later, my mother fed me spinach and iron supplements. However, taking iron supplements often led to terrifyingly black stools that scared anyone who used the bathroom after me.

When I entered a lab in Europe, I finally understood thalassemia. If your iron remains in its Fe atomic form, it cannot carry oxygen. It needs to lose an electron and become Fe+ (an iron ion) to bond with oxygen. I spent years trying to figure out how to convert Fe in my red blood cells to Fe+, and through countless experiments, I eventually discovered guarana, a plant from South America.

Guarana is typically used as a stimulant, with its caffeine content being its main value. If the caffeine content is low, people often discard it. I went to Ecuador and saw guarana fruits lying all over the ground. I signed a long-term contract with Ecuador’s agricultural department to purchase these unwanted guarana fruits. Through my research, I extracted the compounds needed to transform Fe into Fe+, Fe++, and even Fe+++, greatly enhancing red blood cells' oxygen-carrying capacity.

In traditional Chinese medicine, there’s a concept of “qi,” or energy, which, scientifically, is oxygen. Increasing oxygen levels can resolve many issues. For me, this solution was essential. Although I still have the thalassemia gene, this solution improved my red blood cells' ability to carry oxygen, to the point that hospitals can no longer detect my genetic disorder.

Helping Others Achieve Health Is the Hardest Task

In our direct sales business, we’re not just selling products; we’re spreading the path to health. We sell essential nutrition.

Our bodies are constantly at work, and over time, issues arise. I’ve always taught that different life stages come with different health problems. There’s a saying, "A long illness makes the patient a good doctor," and since I experienced eye and bone problems, I developed products like LiverPro, BoneGuard, and FlexiPro to support eye and joint health based on my needs and experience.

Helping others maintain good health is one of the most difficult tasks. That's why we strive to offer more effective and safer solutions. It’s precisely because of this challenge that what we do is worthy of respect.

We’ve encountered many difficulties, yet why do I seem carefree? Because I don’t see these as problems. As long as we remain committed to helping others with their health, knowing this is the most difficult yet noble mission, we can continue moving forward.

Inspired by S26: Creating Complete Adult Nutrition

Linus Pauling said that most human ailments arise from mineral deficiencies. However, most people don’t know what they’re lacking or how to supplement it. This problem once troubled me as well, until I found a teacher in the form of S26.

A baby can drink only S26 from birth to two years old and not lack any nutrients. I used the philosophy behind S26 to create a complete nutritional solution for adults, helping people supplement whatever nutrients they’re missing.

You might wonder, if deficiencies are addressed, will there be an excess of certain nutrients? The answer lies in our technology. Using an electrochemical potential method, cells only absorb ions they lack, such as sodium ions. When cells don’t need a specific nutrient, they won’t generate an electrical potential, and thus won’t absorb the excess nutrient.

Additionally, fat-soluble nutrients are usually absorbed through receptors, not electrochemical potential. But we’ve applied exclusive technology to make algae oil water-soluble, allowing it to be absorbed through electrochemical potential as well, ensuring there’s no risk of overabsorption.

At the Nangang Biotechnology Expo, I offered everyone unlimited samples to show that drinking four or five cups posed no problem.

Solving Immune System Problems Through Nutrition

Our bodies face five types of external threats, and white blood cells have five corresponding types to combat these threats:

1. Neutrophils: Fight bacteria and viruses like soldiers.
2. Lymphocytes: Attack cancer cells and the body’s own cells, like police.
3. Monocytes: Act as the cleanup crew, similar to environmental services.
4. Eosinophils: Address allergies, functioning like intelligence agencies.
5. Basophils: Defend against parasites, acting like the social services of a nation.

Together, these form the immune system, which, in a national context, would be considered national defense. For this system to function fully, the "national treasury" needs to be well-funded and resources distributed evenly to avoid imbalance.

In our bodies, a "wealthy treasury" means sufficient nutrition, and balanced resource distribution refers to balanced nutrition. When both are met, the immune system can fully protect the body. Immune disorders often arise when the body’s "soldiers and police" aren’t properly nourished. Without proper support, they can rebel, causing the immune system to attack itself. Over the years, I’ve helped many patients with immune disorders by providing them with sufficient and balanced nutrition. The optimal ratio for the five types of white blood cells is 60:30:4:2:1. Achieving this balance is the key to a healthy immune system.

Making Nutrition Accessible, Family-Oriented, and Professional

Our first fundamental belief is the "cellular theory." I’ve condensed it into eight words: "Healthy cells, healthy people."

I’ve seen many people talk about cellular nutrition online, but none of them offer solutions to ensure cellular health. That’s our competitive edge—we provide the solution.

Our solutions have stood the test of time because they incorporate three key features:

1. Accessible: You must consume them daily, making them a necessity, not a luxury.
2. Family-Oriented: These are products the whole family can use—seniors can enjoy them, children will like them, and adults will feel more energized and alert. Taste is also a crucial factor.
3. Professional: The products must have a solid theoretical foundation and provide clear explanations.

The second tenet of our theory is that cellular metabolism determines health. Dead cells must quickly be replaced by new cells. The life cycle of cells is short and continuously cycles. You look older when your skin doesn’t produce enough new cells and continues to rely on old ones. This is how you get "old skin" that leads to wrinkles and a dull complexion.

The Health Code 365

Inside our cells, we have mitochondria, the power plants that help maintain a consistent body temperature of 36.5°C, regardless of the environment. What do they burn? Protein, fat, and carbohydrates—these are the fuels for our cells. Vitamins, minerals, and trace elements are like the ignition materials.

You also need oxygen to keep the fire burning.

That’s why without oxygen, we die. When oxygen supply stops, the cells stop burning fuel, and the body’s temperature drops. If your body temperature falls to 35°C, your pupils lose function. At 33°C, the nerves and blood cease to work.

When mountain rescue teams find a lost person, the first thing they do is check body temperature. Above 34°C, they can carry the person down, but below that, it’s an emergency, and they need to call in a helicopter.

There are 365 days in a year, and maintaining 36.5°C every day equals health. This is the meaning of our "Health Code 365."

The Three Main Culprits of Clogged Blood Vessels

The length of our blood vessels is still debated, but topology estimates suggest they stretch about 100,000 kilometers—enough to circle the Earth two and a half times. With such long pathways, clogs are inevitable, but we must prevent complete blockages.

The three main culprits of clogged blood vessels are:

1. LDL Cholesterol: Our cell membranes and many tissue structures are made from LDL cholesterol, so 70 trillion cells require a lot of it. When this important material sticks to the blood vessels, it causes blockages.
2. Triglycerides: Triglycerides include fatty acids, amino acids, and sugars. Eating meat, oil, sugar, or starch can all lead to triglyceride formation, which is difficult to reverse once formed. Unlike cholesterol, triglycerides block vessels indiscriminately. If your vessels are already narrow due to cholesterol and your triglyceride levels are also high, the two can block the vessel entirely.
3. Blood Sugar: When red blood cells stick to glucose, they clump together and hinder movement. No more than six out of 100 red blood cells should bind to glucose, which is why your HbA1c (glycated hemoglobin) level should not exceed 6%. If it does, you may develop diabetes.

Adequate Oxygen and Blood Flow Prevent Cancer

When cells are deprived of oxygen but don’t die, they switch from the citric acid cycle to the lactic acid cycle. These anaerobic cells, now cancerous, continue to multiply and form tumors, which then crowd out healthy cells.

The best way to kill cancer cells is to provide them with ample oxygen. As long as your blood flows smoothly and oxygen is abundant, cancer won’t stand a chance.

Our bodies all have problems, and each problem has a solution. Thanks to Total Swiss, you now have access to the best solutions. Whether or not you use them is up to you.

The 3,651st health seminar was a true source of inspiration, as Dr. Wang thoughtfully explained the key foundational elements behind Total Swiss’ numb圖細胞營養之1

The 3,651st health seminar was a true source of inspiration, as Dr. Wang thoughtfully explained the key foundational elements behind Total Swiss’ numb圖細胞營養之2


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